

International Youth Camp - Leipzig 2017

An International Youth Camp will take place during the upcoming FIE World Championships in Leipzig, Germany, in July. The camp is organized by the German Youth Fencing Association, will have participants from across the globe, and will take place throughout the competition, from the 18th of July until the 27th of July.

Amongst other amazing things planned, the participants, aged between 10 and 22 years of age, will be part of the opening ceremony and therefore very close to these Championships. The Camp will be housed in a school within walking distance of the competition venue. Furthermore, the participants can watch the world class fencers live from every discipline struggling to win the World Champion title, fight by fight. Due to the internationality of the attendants, the Youth association hopes that the children will connect with each other, finding new friends from across the world.

From 18 to 27 July 2017

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