

Maria Leonor Estampador at the IOC Awards 2016 Women and sports trophies

IOC News

Among the winners from the five continents was a fencing coach from the Philippines, who was awarded with the sports trophy.

The Winner for Asia: Ms Maria Leonor Estampador (Philippines)– Athlete, the first female national fencing coach, sports official and leader. Ms Estampador has championed broader opportunities for women in positions of both administrative and technical responsibility within sport.

“I hope this award will inspire more women to put themselves forward and take a more active part in our sport. I also hope that the FIE community will realise that there are a lot of qualified women out there who would be a great help in how we do things in the FIE and that an additional 10 percent in the quota is really not much to ask for.” said Ms. Estampador.

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